Commercial Rental Savings Calculator

  • Half-Ton Pickup
  • Cargo Van
  • Passenger Van
  • Half-Ton Pickup: Leasing

  • Number of Vehicles
  • Lease Term (Months)*
  • Total Lease Amount Over Term $34,356
  • Total Preventative Maint. Spend Over Term $940
  • Total Fuel Spend Over Term** $11,500
  • Initial License & Title $300
  • Total Costs Over Lease Term $47,097
  • Monthly Cost Per Vehicle $1,308
  • Annual Cost Per Vehicle $15,699
  • Monthly Cost All Vehicles $1,308
  • Annual Total Cost of Leasing $15,699
  • (Lease, fuel, mantainance, license & title) + Click for More Details
  • *Annual Miles Driven 20,000
  • **$3.835 cost per gallon/regular unleaded using vehicle combined MPG
  • Half-Ton Pickup: Mobility

  • Number of Vehicles to Rent
  • Rental Term (Months)*
  • Base Monthly Rental Amount $1,300
  • Total Rent Over Term $5,200
  • Total Preventative Maint. Spend Over Term
  • Initial License & Title
  • Total Fuel Spend Over Term** $1,278
  • Monthly Cost Per Vehicle $1,619
  • Monthly Cost All Vehicles $1,619
  • Total Cost to Rent $6,478


  • (Lease, fuel, mantainance, license & title) + Click for More Details
  • Savings Calculator

  • Total Leased Vehicles in Fleet
  • Total Annual Lease Cost $15,699
  • # of Vehicles with Seasonal Use(Candidates for Mobility)
  • Total Rental Cost for Term Selected $6,478
  • Remaining Leased Vehicles 0
  • New Annual Lease Spend $0
  • Total Annual Fleet Cost (Rental + Lease) $6,478
  • Annual Savings from Mobility Program $9,221

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
  • Hidden
  • Hidden
  • Hidden
  • Hidden
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Commercial Rental Calculator Instructions

The commercial rental calculator is designed to model out a scenario in which a mix of rental and long-term leasing solutions can potentially save money while increasing flexibility within your fleet.

1. Within the Leasing section, enter the following:

a. The number of vehicles in your fleet today that you are leasing or are considering leasing

b. The average lease term (36, 48, 60 months)

2. Within the Rental section, enter the following:

a. The number of vehicles in your fleet today that you are leasing or are considering leasing and may be a candidate for rental (i.e. seasonal use vehicles). These would be vehicles in your fleet where a long-term lease solution may not make sense.

b. The average term in months that vehicles are needed (4 to 8).

3. The calculator will identify the total cost of leasing today across your fleet. It will then bring in rental costs for a subset of vehicles identified, while leasing the remainder in your fleet. The savings output compares leasing your entire fleet versus using a mix of leasing and rental.