Telematics and Organizational Alignment Lead to More Efficient Operations

Description of the Company

A large medical supply company with a decentralized organizational structure.


Good fleet managers know the key to success is having a tight grip on controllable costs, while searching for new ways to lower those numbers. Fuel and maintenance spend are typical targets, but finding ways to drive costs out requires organizational support. With a variance in corporate fleet strategy and operational direction, this case was not clear for our client. Working with a diverse team of decision makers, finding a solution all facets of the organization could agree upon was the biggest hurdle to overcome.


Leveraging telematics, our team analyzed critical driver behaviors and fashioned scorecards tailor-made to hone in on specifically identified fleet criteria. Our experts crafted a telematics data-informed initiative that identified the largest areas of opportunities and delivered a blueprint to the client to achieve those goals. The program we provided created alignment across the clients’ business and made decision making easy.

Utilizing our fleet consulting program, the client experienced a decrease in inefficient fleet operation by 4%, translating into lower maintenance and fuel costs as well as improved vehicle incident run rates across all divisions of the business. Those levels are still being maintained today.

Develop consensus building and data-informed fleet strategies that your entire organization can support. Contact us today…because you should always settle for better.

Fuel programs to make organizational decisions. Imagine that.

4% Decrease Inefficient Fleet Operation
100% Ongoing Success